Corporate, businesses, & Foundation

We all know that every one of us needs a decent place to call home, but there are many families in our community who continue to live in unsafe, cramped spaces that provide them with little comfort or security. Spending far too much of their modest income on rent payments they make tough decisions every day about whether to pay for food or rent, school books, or heating bills. These families struggle to keep their heads above water.

With your help, they can work with Habitat to build a modest home with a mortgage that is within their means to repay.


There are many options for Corporate, Businesses, & Foundation Giving!

Workplace giving Program

Employers – empower employees to make a difference year-round.

Many employers match employees’ charitable contributions, which are often made through automatic payroll deductions.

Email to request the How to Payroll Deductions Resource if you’d like more information.

Employees – If your workplace participates in giving campaigns, you may be able to choose Habitat for Humanity of Butte County to receive your donation! Ask your employer if they have an employee giving program today and request our resource if you’d like to get a program started.

Another option is to have your own workplace fundraising campaign. Habitat’s workplace giving team is available to help guide the building and execution of the campaign.

Sponsorship Giving Program

House sponsorships pay for the construction of a Habitat house.

When you give to or sponsor a new home build with Habitat for Humanity of Butte County, it’s about doing more than just providing a safe, decent place to call home for a low-income hardworking family; it’s about building hope and community for our neighbors and providing a springboard to a better life for the next generation.

House sponsorships pay for the construction of a Habitat house. It is possible for employees to take part in a team build to help build these houses. Sponsorships are publicly acknowledged, and visibly demonstrate your leadership in building change.


Gifts of In-Kind or Gifts of Services Program

In-kind products to our ReStore or Construction projects or in-kind service donations are another unique way your company can contribute to Habitat Butte.

Donations of construction materials, pro-bono services, or a creative combination of financial support and in-kind gifts reduce our costs, which in turn allows us to offset the costs of home construction and allows us to serve more families, and build stronger communities.

Donors can also give products that can be used in our Habitat ReStore to generate income so that affiliates can better serve their homeowners and communities. Similar to a sponsorship, in-kind donations are publicly acknowledged, and visibly demonstrate your leadership in building change.


For more information, please contact our office at (530) 343-7423 or email


Location  |  220 Meyers St. Chico, CA 95928

Mailing  |  P.O. Box 3073
Chico, CA 95927


 Mon-Fri | 9:00am -5:00pm

(530) 343-7423


(530) 895-1271
Tues-Sat | 10:00am-6:00pm   

Donations Accepted Until 5:30pm

Gold Seal OF Transparency

Gold Star Transparency Logo, 2023.

EIN#  68-0262142
